Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blog Eight: Brainwashed

Brainwashed, by Seth Godin

Acknowledging the Lizard is facing your fears and dismissing them.  There is something inside humans, that tells us to remain compliant and stick to the protocol (the resistance), but this is what holds us back from letting the creative genius inside us out.
Art is as simple as interacting with others because you may create something new.  Art is a creation made by one or many and takes the risk of being criticized, or having no connection to others.  Risk can lead to success.
One must fail in life in order to make any progress or succeed.  Godin says that present day, we really must acknowledge the lizard and ignore it, and continue to face failure.  No matter it be a large company or just a person presenting a project to their class, failure is likely to occur at some point.  You must be willing to fail publicly in order to grow.

Every single one of these Layers presented by Godin relate to my life along with this blog.  Throughout this quarter, I have honestly had some trouble with the concept of ‘Acknowledging the Lizard’ when it came to presenting the art that I have created along with another partner.  So, acknowledging the lizard, art and failure have played a roll consistently for me.  I know I am not the only one in this world to call myself out on it, but I fear failure more than I would like to admit.  I let my fears hold me back, which suppresses my creativity.  I have always been told that I am wonderful at expressing myself in ways such as this and that I am very creative, but lately, I have felt pretty bland when it comes to what I try to do.  When we had to take a scene and write it out as the script or when we had to draw storyboards, I was even nervous to do that.  I was worried that because I am inexperienced in script writing or if I didn’t make my drawings good enough, that I would face a failing grade for the blog.  Outside of the blog, I have been presented with opportunities to shoot things this quarter, and have found myself handing out excuses to avoid doing it because of my fear of failure.  I honestly do not feel like I know enough, but at the same time you learn through going out and doing it.  This leads me to the fact that I need to change starting now.  Art is one of the best things this world has left.  I would like to confidently say that I contribute to the art that flows throughout this world.  Art has a different meaning to nearly everyone.  It is amazing how much you can find in a simple five-minute clip, or a painting of a woman cooking in a kitchen (long lasting expectations of women), or a man working in an office (long lasting expectations of men).  Art faces fear straight in the face and takes a risk.  It acknowledges the lizard and faces failure head on.  There is no single person in this world that hasn’t failed at some points in life.  Failure helps you grow.  I need to continue to remind myself of this so I go out and create the art that is inside me waiting to be revealed.  These layers are true of how life plays out for people, and I have found that sometimes they hold me back, but it helps me understand to go out and face the fear.  Slowly but surely, I am becoming a better person, artist and student because of these factors.  Every day I am reminded that I cannot let the fear of failure hold me back.  Now is the time to take risks, not later.

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