Finding Your Howl by Jonathon Flaum
Flaum refers to a story about a tiger that is trapped inside his cage at the zoo. The tiger builds up the courage to escape his cage. It goes to jump over the wall, but finds itself in yet another cage. As the tiger continues to try and get out, it finds it’s forever trapped. This story explains that we stick to our normal lives and build up a wall that keeps us safe from the world. Flaum points out that we must abolish our old way of living. If we do not destroy our past, we cannot create a new future.
From the song, Two Step, by Dave Matthews Band...
"Celebrate we will, 'cause life is short, but sweet for certain."
For several years, I have considered this small bit of lyrics from the song, Two Step, by Dave Matthews Band to be of much significance. Sure, there are better things that have been said, but I love everything about this lyric. It is extremely simple, yet gives a message that I consider worth living by. As I grow up, it seems as though time only goes by faster. Dave Matthews is making a point that life is short, so embrace it and be thankful for what you have/had. I appreciate this message so much because I incorporate it into my every day life.
In high school, a teacher by the name of Sandra Kucinich-Horn, introduced me into the world of media. From that day forward, there was no turning back. I have no other passion that is nearly as strong as this one…the passion for movie making (or television shows for that matter) and being a part of the process it takes to create one. I came to Ohio University kind of clueless, but immediately got involved my second weekend at OU with creative people. I met Jeff Kolada, who really steered me in the direction of Video Production. I was originally set on the idea of film, but Jeff changed my outlook. Entering into this world we have created full of video production students, led to giving me an opportunity to work on multiple projects. I have been accepted and given the opportunity to express my creative thoughts to my piers while working on projects. It has allowed for great interaction amongst the crews I have worked with.
“Celebrate we will, cause life is short, but sweet for certain…” helps remind me to be happy and make something of my little time in life, especially here at OU. It has allowed me to broaden my experience and learn more than I ever could have imagined about something I am passionate about.
Outside of video production/movie making, this lyric from the song, Two Step has impacted my overall outlook on my own life. As mentioned earlier, it is a simple message. This leads me to the point that it gave me the idea that I need to live a simpler life. It is something I am still in the process of working on, but the idea is engrained in my head. My life will never be easy or all that simple, but there are plenty of ways to simplify the way I go about my daily life. Becoming more organized is a great way for me to make my life less chaotic. Along with making changes, appreciating the little things is yet another way to living more simply. I enjoy looking at typography and graphic design sites quite a bit. It helps influence me, even. There is no need to make things in life far more complicated than they are. By making a situation more complicated, I could put myself in a position where my creativity lacks because I am too distracted by problems.
Ultimately, creativity should be celebrated. Without creativity, there is no life. I was born with a brain that is nearly incapable of comprehending science or math. In other words, I am right-brained. I have always been hands-on with how I communicate and with how I understand things. Creativity plays a huge role in the way I understand, think, communicate, etc. It is something I value and celebrate every day. Our lives are worth being celebrated.